
2024/08 3

매일 영어표현: fell off / The rule of thumb / pull down

What if I told you there was something that you can do right now that would have an immediate, positive benefit for your brain including your mood and your focus? And what if I told you that same thing could actually last a long time and protect your brain from different conditions like depression, Alzheimer's disease or dementia. Would you do it? Yes! 00:30I am talking about the powerful effect..

Perplexity, SCISPACE, CONNECTED PAPERS, notebookLM, MS Edge Copilot

ChatGPT, Perplexity(정보검색, 코딩), 클로드(글을 잘 다듬어줌), MS Copilot (자료 만들기) SCISPACE, CONNECTED PAPERS, notebookLM : 생성형 AI 를 활용한 논문 서칭, 문헌 확인 가능draw.io: 나의 능동적 작업들을 정리, 메모* 논문 pdf를 모두 집어넣어놓고 질문을 통해서 문장을 생성 & 확인된 참고문헌을 활용한 WRITING 가능*논문 쓸 때 이런 식으로 AI를 활용할 수 있다. 정말 부지런하신 연구자분들 엄지척!

매일 영어 표현: rip off / tether / what if it could have been

[TED] Why you should stop setting goals (yes, really) -  Emmanuel Acho  I do not suppose to know everything. And those closest to me, they might say, I don't really know much at all, but -- One thing that I know to be true beyond the shadow of a doubt is this. The surest way to fail in life is to set a goal. 00:25(Laughter) 00:29Now, unfortunately, I found this out through excruciating pain, but..