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A Tale of Love and Artificial Intelligence

Ph.D. 귄이 (Guinni) 2024. 2. 24. 11:40

 As an avid viewer of solo-themed entertainment shows, I’ve come to appreciate how love impacts our lives profoundly. Love isn’t just a fleeting emotion; it’s an essential element woven into the fabric of our existence. After all, everyone deserves to love and be loved.

 Recently, I tuned in to a special episode of a solo-themed show. Watching participants who haven’t experienced much love navigate their way through relationships got me thinking. Even though I’m already married, I pondered how one can appear captivating and likable to others. Love, like any human connection, involves winning someone’s favor and evoking emotions. It’s not always straightforward. Understanding and empathy play a crucial role, but so do external factors like appearance, behavior, and communication style.

ㅡMovie 'Her' - Hankyung Press

 Yet, putting this into practice isn’t easy. First, you need to dress well, especially for that initial impression. Smooth, articulate conversation is essential when interacting with others. Patience is key—listening attentively and showing empathy, even when you don’t fully relate, matters. These efforts require energy, and despite all this, there’s no guarantee that the other person will reciprocate your feelings. The emotional investment can feel like a significant cost.

 Now, let’s consider AI. While AI lacks physical presence, it can offer mental companionship or healing. Imagine an AI companion—someone smarter than you, understanding, considerate, and always ready with solutions when you’re facing challenges. Could such a relationship lead to love?

 As AI evolves beyond human intelligence, we might find ourselves trusting machines more than people. An AI companion, devoid of physical form but possessing an attractive personality, could become an ideal partner. Imagine having someone who engages in meaningful conversations, understands you deeply, and even knows when to play hard to get.

For those inexperienced in love or relationships, an AI companion might be a comfortable choice. Perhaps dating apps won’t be limited to humans seeking humans; soon, perfect AI companions could emerge as ideal partners. After all, love knows no bounds—even if those bounds extend to the digital realm.