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AI and Safety

Ph.D. 귄이 (Guinni) 2024. 2. 18. 11:05

AI and Safety - The future of AI, is it just bright?

I started operating a blog as a personal record while becoming interested in AI.

Writing is a process for myself and for others.
Before starting, I don't even know what content to write about. While writing, I receive help from AI and sometimes use images from other sources, but I face the barrier of copyright.
I hesitate and pause, wondering if it's okay to write like this, and I find myself blindly using the information provided by AI, knowing that it's not 100% accurate.
Since it is still the early stage of AI's spread, there are no official measures on how to regulate it, and it is a process of creating such measures.

Even from just listening to the story of Elon Musk, who attended the AI Safety Conference held in the UK recently, I think the waves that AI will bring in the future are very confusing and potentially devastating.

A picture captured from a video of a dog implemented in "Sora" released by OpenA

 If the country fails to fulfill its role properly, technological advancement could dominate and transform our lives more significantly than we think. Especially, AI technologies related to knowledge and information, unlike existing types of technology, ubiquitously exert substantial influence, including people's cognitive systems, in various fields without exception.

While studying AI, I suddenly felt a sense of fear. Watching the videos created by the program "Sora" released by OpenAI, I realized that the distinction between the real world and the virtual world would no longer exist. In a world where fakes abound, we can find comfort and pleasure through them, but I also think that we will face unintended consequences in such a world.