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Can AI Liberate Human Labour?

Ph.D. 귄이 (Guinni) 2024. 3. 8. 00:32

 Artificial Intelligence (AI) has entered our world with a distinctiveness that sets it apart from past technologies. At a glance, one might think AI is just another technological tool like robots or the internet. However, AI has surpassed these limitations. It possesses the ability to replicate complex human reasoning processes, providing significant assistance in the execution of tasks in professional and managerial jobs.

AI's image recognition capabilities are particularly remarkable. Thanks to this ability, AI can create the images and videos we see directly. This implies that AI can even encroach upon the realm of art. However, contrary to these expectations, it was discovered that human intervention is still necessary in the process of using AI. While using AI tools, the number of things that had to be thought about, planned, and scheduled actually increased to dozens.

Nevertheless, AI has undeniably proven its value. Although planning and effort were required when using AI tools, the resulting product left no room for anything but astonishment. Especially in the field of image creation, AI showed exceptional results. Moreover, the creation time was extremely fast. Due to the rapid advancement of AI, there is growing anticipation that film producers and directors will be able to create astonishing works using AI.

Ultimately, the potential for utilizing AI technology is determined by how easily accessible the technology is to the humans using it. Depending on whether the technology can deliver excellent results in any industry or sector, it will determine the potential of that industry, and the workers belonging to that sector may also possess great potential.

The user of technology is ultimately human. Humans evolve through technology, and it is thought that humans will not disappear in the process. Rather, technology can potentially instill infinite possibilities in humans, as long as that technology is not misused.