☆ 테크(로봇, AI)

생성형 AI가 가져올 미래 사회 전망 / 제리 카플란 인터뷰

Ph.D. 귄이 (Guinni) 2024. 2. 10. 19:15


1. 미래의 변호사 일자리가 AI  때문에 일자리가 줄어들수 있을까? Yes and No , 일하는 방식을 변화시키고 업무량이 오히려 늘어날 수 있음

2. 지금 잘 나가는 기업이 무조건 새로운 기술을 선도하지 않을것. (MS 도 이번엔 benefit을 얻었지만 앞으로는 어떻게 될지 모름)

3.앞으로 각광받는 직업은 사람들과 교류할 수 있는 일자리, 공감 능력이 필요한 일자리 (프로그래머의 경우에는 수요가 많아지거나 줄어들 수 있음)

4. AI로 돈을 많이 벌 기업은 어디? 니즈를 잘 찾고 핏이 맞는 기업


< AI 요약>

  1. Current State of AI Boom:
    • The generative AI field is currently experiencing a boom, but there’s debate about its longevity.
    • Some believe it’s just getting started, while others think it will fade away soon.
    • High valuations and fundraising are common, but not all companies will succeed.
  2. Generative AI’s Societal and Economic Effects:
    • We’re only at the beginning of understanding how generative AI will impact society and the economy.
    • It already affects various aspects of our lives, including language translation, content generation, and more.
  3. Predictions for 2024:
    • In the short term (2024), we’ll see incremental improvements in existing systems.
    • Longer-term (3 to 5 years), expect significant innovations.
    • Current systems ingest vast amounts of data from the internet, but more targeted approaches are needed.
  4. Challenges and Innovations:
    • The challenge lies in designing systems that don’t just absorb everything but focus on relevant information.
    • Innovations will likely address governance, middleware, training techniques, and data pipelines to make generative AI more trustworthy and accessible.

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