★ 어학-영어 공부

[Today's word] Breakthrough : 돌파구

Ph.D. 귄이 (Guinni) 2024. 3. 1. 07:56



plural noun: breakthroughs
  1. 1.
    a sudden, dramatic, and important discovery or development.
    "a major breakthrough in DNA research"
  2. 2.
    denoting a symptomatic case of a disease occurring despite preventative medication, vaccination, or prior infection.
    "we're seeing more and more of these breakthrough infections"


"The labour market in the United Kingdom is a complex structure that mirrors the economic well-being and social dynamics of the nation. Gaining a comprehensive understanding of the complexities of employment trends, difficulties, and recent advancements is essential for policymakers, organizations, and individuals who are navigating the always changing landscape of the labour market.

 The labour market is significantly transformed by technological breakthroughs, such as automation and artificial intelligence. A study revealed that robots are expected to contribute to the polarization of the UK labour market, creating a division between well-compensated, highly skilled positions (desirable) and poorly compensated, low-skilled, and sporadic employment opportunities (undesirable)"